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Vancouver Women's Field Hockey Association
**LOST** Sat. March 9, 10:15 game time - women’s medium black jacket with a blue “3GA” logo. If found, please contact vwfhaadmin@gmail.com
No Dogs
NO PETS, NO smoking, NO alcoholic beverage permitted on the fields! These are the terms of our contract or we run the risk of losing access to the fields if we violate these rules. DOGS must remain OUTSIDE the fenced area, even if you're holding them. PLEASE respect the rules in place so we can keep access to the fields!
Become an Umpire!
VWFHA needs MORE umpires! This game is not possible without officials and we encourage you to try it out and get involved! Get the required training through FHBC. More information is available at http://fieldhockeybc.com
VWFHA COVID-19 Safety Guidance